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Digital marketing technology can be applied in any type of field which is a complex ecosystem and with technology it seems to be getting tougher with time. It helps to drive business objectives, there is a need for structural framework. Digital marketing practice should be built upon the data and help to get the best of return. Generally, this approach is called Optimization which is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to make better decisions. Business goals are explicitly defined under this framework to optimize those goals. In the field of digital marketing, this is known as Digital Marketing Optimization (DMO) can learn clearly in Digital Marketing Training in Chennai and even SEO Training in Chennai includes training for Digital Marketing  .

What are the 4C’s Optimization used?

The 4Cs optimization is most often used in digital marketing communication and the 4Cs are crowd optimization, channel optimization, creative optimization and conversion optimization.


It is the process of identifying the group of audience. The identifying process is based on potential customers showing interest in the product and this will be calculated based on their recent browsing behaviour, demographic details, the amount of time spent on researching one product along with their response rate to recent marketing communication. Database marketing, extrapolation, panel data performance are the statistical techniques used to calculate crowd optimization.


The process of optimization the traffic sources is Channel optimization which is also identifying the best performing media channel or publisher or keyword group that are part of the digital marketing campaign plan. Page rank, placement position, view ability, CTR and dwell rates will be calculated by this optimization. The statistical techniques used are variance models, historical performance models and mediamix models.


It is the process of analysing the effectiveness for the particular target group of the creative. There are many experimental methods which are used to identify the optimum creative for a given ad placement to use it for further clicks or conversions. The clarity will be based on the dwell rate, interaction rates, CTR for the response to elements of creative. AB testing, MVT testing are the statistical techniques used. In today’s industry, many vendors based on the historical who provide dynamic creative optimization.


It is the process of creating the method of an experience for a visitor or website with the goal of increasing the percentage of website visitors. The goal of this optimization is to increase the percentage of visitors that convert into customers which is based on the page load times, exit rate from conversions page, page depth etc. The statistical tests used are A/B testing, usability tests. 

This 4C optimization avoids the biggest hurdle of data management and it is an easy to implement and maintain approach. 

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